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Kitten/Cat Contract

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Registration: Registration will be given to the buyer as soon as the seller registers the kitten. If kitten/cat is not altered at time of full payment, pet owner is responsible for alteration before receiving any registration. Pet kittens must be altered by the age of 6 months. (Kittens being sold for breeding will get registration as soon as it is available). Retiring cats will come with registration and will be altered.


Section A (Kitten Purchases)           


     Pet kitten: This kitten/cat is being sold as an indoor pet, unless the cat is being closely monitored while on a secure harness and leash. Under no circumstances can this animal be sold, leased or given to a pet shop, research laboratory or humane society. If the purchaser wishes to transfer ownership of the animal at a future date, the breeder is to be notified BEFORE the transfer, and the new owner(s) must agree to abide by the terms of this contract. The breeder has the option to take back ownership of the cat before it is offered up to a new owner.


     Breeding Kitten: If this kitten is being sold as a breeding kitten, all rights to the kitten transfers to the buyer. However, the breeding restriction must be followed. The buyer must also follow good breeding practices and conduct breeding in an ethically responsible manner. The seller also guarantees fertility; in case of infertility, seller will exchange a cat for a similar kitten/cat. This type of exchange will only occur if a cat has failed to produce within a year. If the cat is found to be infertile because of injury, illness, infection, or veterinary procedure; the cat will not be replaced. Seller also reserves the right to attempt a breeding, if a breeding within 6 months is unsuccessful than the cat will be replaced. Kittens/cats shall not be co-owned, leased, or resold without approval from seller. No re-registration, transfer of ownership, or other devious means of circumventing these restrictions will be tolerated.


Section B (Health Guarantee)


     The kitten/cat listed above is guaranteed to be a pure bred Siamese. SnowShoe Siamese, or Balinese eligible for registration. The seller shall provide registration papers upon confirmation of alteration of a pet kitten (registration will be the buyers responsibility to complete, submit, and pay the registration expense). All retiring cats will come with registration. This kitten/cat is guaranteed of sound health upon delivery or arrival, and for a period of 72 hours thereafter if vetted within that time. Seller guarantees this cat to be free from feline leukemia virus (FeLV), and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Failure to have the kitten/cat checked by a licensed veterinarian within 72 hours after the date of sale (or date cat leaves the Cattery in the event the cat is being shipped or delivered), will void any guarantee. 


     Your new kitten/cat is to be quarantined during that 72-hour period. If a veterinarian examines the kitten/cat within 72 hours of the date the kitten arrives and a medical problem is found, the breeder is to be notified immediately in order for the kitten/cat to be returned for a replacement. The breeder will not be held responsible for any veterinary expenses. The kitten/cat cannot be returned for compensation after the guaranteed period has expired and/or it has been exposed to another cat. Seller will not honor any health guarantee if the kitten/cat dies of a virus from contact with another animal not bred at this Cattery. 

     The buyer agrees to provide immediate veterinary care to this kitten/cat if it shows signs of distress, illness, or injury. Failure to do so will render the guarantee null and void. Under no circumstances is the kitten/cat to be destroyed prior to notification by the Buyer to the Seller. If the kitten/cat dies within 4 years due to a genetic or developmental condition, despite medical treatment, the cat will be replaced ONLY if a licensed veterinarian certifies the cause of death. The defects include but are not limited to heart defects, hereditary kidney problems such as PKD or amyloidosis and severe immune system problems such as anaphylaxis. Note that we do not guarantee for FIP. FIP is an individual kitten problem. 

     A veterinarian autopsy/necropsy report must be provided to verify the cause of death of the kitten/cat. The breeder will replace the cat/kitten with another cat /kitten (which ever was purchased through this contract) of similar quality and value, as available. No cash refunds. In the event that the breeder needs to replace your kitten/cat, you will be expected to pay for any shipping/transportation costs.

     The Seller will have completed all of the age-appropriate vaccinations and all health care up until the kitten has been picked up by the buyer, including age appropriate vaccinations against panleukopenia (feline distemper), calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis. This includes the vaccination for rabies. A copy of the kitten's health record will be given to the buyer at the time of purchase. At that time, all health care will become the responsibility of the buyer. It is strongly recommended that the kitten be quarantined from other pets for at least two weeks. Be mindful that the stress induced in an animal (when going to a new home) may cause symptoms of illness, including upper respiratory infection, to appear in an otherwise healthy animal.


Section C (Health and Well being)

     Buyer agrees that if the kitten/cat is found to be neglected or mistreated, Seller shall have the unconditional right to reclaim the kitten/cat without refund of purchase price. Buyer will be responsible for any veterinary bills directly incurred as a result of any neglect or mistreatment.

Neglect shall include, but is not limited to: being left alone without human companionship for periods in excess of 72 hours; lack of proper sanitary facilities; being caged for long period of time; poor diet; poor health, and otherwise poor condition.


     Mistreatment shall include, but is not limited to: lack of proper food, lack of water, and physical abuse.

Buyer understands that if the kitten/cat is declawed, it will render the guarantee null and void. Buyer understands that declawing is a mutilation involving the amputation of a large portion of the kitten/cat’s toes and which is likely to alter the kitten/cat’s temperament and health. Buyer agrees that Seller cannot insure the temperament or health of any kitten/cat which has been declawed. Buyer agrees that this kitten/cat was sold with the understanding that it would not be declawed.

Seller recommends against administrating the FIP vaccination, as this vaccination has yet to be proven effective and may actually cause FIP. Seller also strongly recommends using non-adjuvant vaccinations whenever possible.




Contact Us:

Phone: (716)514-6901

Western, Ny 14094


© 2014 - 2025 by Rinceoir Cattery. Created with

Last updated : 02/27/2025.

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