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Serving USA pet lovers, with options for International. If you do not live within driving distance from us don’t let that stop you from getting your kitten/cat from us. We have many options when it comes to transporting our babies!


The minimum cost of transport depends on which method of transport, and/or where you are located. Each method is slightly different. So we as that you read through our options and choose what will fit you and your family the best. 


How all of this works


When the full payment for the transportation fee is made and confirmed, we will proceed with processing the kitten's new paperwork, This paperwork is usually done within 12 hrs. After paperwork is completed, the kitten/cat is registered for transportation. Once the transportation arrangements are done, all parties will receive a confirmation email or phone call that the kitten’s transport is scheduled and booked. (This goes for Ground transport or nanny).


For ground transport: 24  hours prior to the start of the transport, the breeder will call the adopter to go over itinerary. The itinerary will include all the information needed for both the breeder and adopter to fulfill their roles in the transport process including transport date, time of arrival, meeting location for pick up. (Itineraries will not be given before this time period). Constant contact with the adopter as to time schedule changes will also be provided. 


For flight nanny options: If this is the option you want to take, please understand we need to know 4 weeks before kitten arrival, this way we can set up everything needed! 24 – 48 hours prior to the start of the transport, the kitten’s itinerary will be emailed to all parties (nanny and receiver). The itinerary will include all the information needed for both the nanny and receiver to fulfill their roles in the transport process including transport date, time of arrival, meeting location for pick up and Pet Nanny’s contact information. (Itineraries will not be given before this time period)



Your Kitten Travels Safely, direct from the Rinceoir Cattery to you.




Ground Transport


Ground transport is offered to all clients, upon request. Ground transport is where we meet you, either at your home or at a set location and time. We offer this type of transport because we know/understand that some people can not get out of their homes to come get a kitten or that the travel times are longer then expected. 


Services Offered by ground transport: 

  1. Kitten/cat will be transported in a secure cat carrier, to insure the kitten/cat's safety.

  2. Breeder will take kitten out of cat carrier when breeder reaches all rest areas. This way the kitten/cat is not kept inside of the carrier the whole trip. (If traveling with my partner, we will most likely have the kitten out more then this. This is to insure that the trip is stress free, for the most part).

  3. Breeder will have food and water available for the kitten at all times.(In some cases, a litter box may also be needed depending on travel times).

  4. The kitten is seated in the carrier, in the backseat of the car when no being handled by the breeder. 

  5. Breeder will hand deliver the kitten to the owner at their choice of destination. Paperwork will at this time be given to the new owner.


We charge $0.65 a mile to do ground transport. This helps us pay for the upkeep maintenance for the vehicle, as well as the cost of gasoline for each trip, so that we can continue to provide this service to other adopters. We love this option because it is less stressful to our kittens and it makes life a bit easier for our adopters. 





Shipping through cargo is NOT available. We want to protect our kittens/cats from any undo stress. Flying in a plane in cargo can be very stressful for a kitten/cat. So this is not an option we will ever consider. 



Transport Nanny


Our Pet Transport Nanny is a professional pet transporting service. They transport by air and will only fly via commercial airlines alongside your kitten to the closest major airport, where you can then pick up your kitten/cat. Your kitten/cat will never see the inside of a cargo hold. The Pet Nanny flies with the kitten/cat in-cabin of the airplane throughout their journey hand-in-hand to their final destination, and deliver to the receiver. For this mode of travel, pet must be less than 35 lb and fit inside a soft-sided carrier. 

Services Offered by Pet Nanny: 

  1. Pet Nanny will pick up kitten from Our Cattery and place the kitten in a soft-sided carrier.

  2. Pet Nanny will take kitten out of soft-sided pet carrier when Pet Nanny reaches the TSA screening area.

  3. Pet Nanny will carry the kitten while walking through the metal detector at the airport.

  4. Pet Carrier and contents inside (excluding kitten) will be placed on the conveyor belt and screened by TSA security. After screening kitten will be placed back inside of the soft-sided carrier.

  5. The kitten is seated in-cabin with the Pet Nanny on the airplane, and will not leave their side until the destination is reached and kitten is united with owner.

  6. Pet Nanny will hand deliver the kitten to the owner in the baggage claim area of the destination airport.





Contact Us:

Phone: (716)514-6901

Western, Ny 14094


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Last updated : 02/27/2025.

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